A true media for Chennai....

Okay from my knowledge and understanding of a disaster
I have pointers for these media houses, may be some of them are being followed already but still I would like to make my point....
1) Collect the list of problems across the city. I am sure you all have a huge journalist network. Bring them on to the field, equip them with technology (what ever you have) and checklists. Do this asap.
2) Now prioritize these problems and find a solution by getting the opinion from experts and the local people, hold debates on TV take opinion from people because 'India wants to know'.  Give a good coverage on the problems, offer opinions and let the leaders take decisions on these. Even the politicians need information to take action on. Provide that. I am sure you will find a lot of volunteers, experts coming and helping the city resurrect quicker.
3) Take people as volunteers for information gathering, design a medium and strategy through your technology and present it the right way to the right authorities, and all the people in the country.
4) Encourage those offering relief, I am sure who ever is volunteering atleast 80% of them are not doing it for their personal benefit. Do not just focus on celebrities focus every one, make a separate website/page with posts rolling continuously with appreciations for these people . I see it is already happening sporadically online. Also, give information about local NGOs through which people can offer support.
5) And most importantly, how much ever people demonstrate their good side, there are a category of people who make business out of the situation. Hiking prices, selling spoiled goods, robbing people, destroying public property etc., Shoot them with your cameras, and present it when everything is over and let the law take its action.

Please stop going behind the people who just come for spectating. You are the people who should bring everyone to action. We dont want to know about amma's stickers or appa's posters. We want first hand information on the prevailing conditions and we want the ground truth.


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